Erin go bragh!

Saint Patrick's Day comes every year and the world is dyed in green colours, but how much do we know about Saint Patrick's Day and its origins?
Resultado de imagen de saint patrickIn spite of being an Irish tradition, Saint Patrick's Day is celebrated all over the world. Besides of that, we are not sure about the date of his death, but this celebration occurs on March 17 in commemoration of Saint Patrick's death, the patron of Ireland. Therefore, it is a holy and religious day in the Catholic Church.

St Patrick's Day celebrations often hide the mysteries and meaning behind the ancient figure, he was a fifth-century Romano-British Cristian misionary and Bishop in England. He was also known as the Apostle of Ireland and he is the main patron saint of the country, along with two other saints Brigit of Kildare and Columba.
Resultado de imagen de saint patrickThe idea of patron saint comes from both Roman Catholicism and Eastern Ortodoxy and the saint is actually seen as heavenly advocate of values like nation, place, craft and family, among other things. Unfortunately, we do not know so much about his life, apart for the fact that he was a bishop, we are sure that he helped to convert the country from practising a form of Celtic polytheism. Saint Patrick plays an important role in Ireland, in the Anglican Communion and the Old Catholic Church.

Incidentally, according to one legend, the Irish symbol of the shamrock could actually be thanks to Saint Patrick; with some historians believing that the saint used the symbol to teach the Irish people the holy Trinity.
Resultado de imagen de saint patrickMore recently, it also became a day to celebrate Ireland as a nation too and Irish descentants living outside England celebrate that holiday all over the world. It began as a religious feast on the 17th century, evolving into a variety of festivals across the globe celebrating Irish culture with parades, special foods, music, dancing, and a whole lot of Green. Contemporary celebrations are symbolised around the world by shamrocks, pints and bright-green parades. St Patrick's Day is a bank holiday in Northern Ireland (United Kimngdom) and the Republic of Ireland. However, it is also a festive occasion in some parts of the world where it is not a public holiday. Thus, many people wear an item of green clothing on the day. Parties featuring Irish food and drinks that are dyed in green food colour are part of this celebration. It is a time when children can indulge in sweets and adults can enjoy a “pint” of beer at a local pub. Many restaurants and pubs offer Irish food or drink.
Resultado de imagen de shamrock

Despite the most common St Patrick's Day symbol is the shamrock, many people choose to wear the color green and the flag of the Republic of Ireland is often seen in St Patrick’s Day parades around the world. Irish brands of drinks are popular at St Patrick’s Day events.
What's more, religious symbols include snakes and serpents, as well as the Celtic cross. Some say that Saint Patrick added the Sun, a powerful Irish symbol, onto the Christian cross to create what is now called a Celtic cross.
Resultado de imagen de saint patrick symbolismOther Irish-related symbols seen on St Patrick’s Day include the harp, which was used in Ireland for centuries, as well as a mythological creature known as the leprechaun and a pot of gold that the leprechaun keeps hidden. Some people plan a pilgrimage to St Patrick’s Purgatory, which is commonly associated with penance and spiritual healing since the early 13th century.

If you want to know a bit more about the symbolism that surround this festivity, have a look on the following link:
Resultado de imagen de happy saint patrick's day
Now, we are ready to celebrate Saint Patrick's Day! Enjoy it!


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