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Unknown ha dicho que…
It's so cool!
Ruth Val Barrera ha dicho que…
I really appreciate your comment.
I am glad to hear that it is useful.
Ruth Val
teacher_ro ha dicho que…
Hi! there is also an app to listen to this radio on your smartphone, tablet, etc. Don't hesitate to look for it and use it to improve your listening.
Thanks, Ruth!
Ruth Val Barrera ha dicho que…
Hi rozio rh!
That's right! You can download the App to enjoy it wherever you are.
Thank you very much for your worthy contribution to the post.
Kind regards!
Ruth V.
Unknown ha dicho que…
I have chosen this news because I agree with the statement that sport is bad for health
Unknown ha dicho que…
Hi! I chose this article because it is very interesting for me.
Unknown ha dicho que…
I have chosen this article because otters are my favourite animals.
Unknown ha dicho que…
I have chosen this article beacause I believe that gender equality is important in the different Jobs
Unknown ha dicho que… research helps us understand elements of culture and nature in which we do not trust
Ismael Pérez Vela ha dicho que…
I have chosen this article because any discovery beyond our planet is an impressive advance for the human being.
Unknown ha dicho que…
I have chosen this article because the natural disasters affect thousands of persons every year
Unknown ha dicho que…

I have chosen this article because I want to speak on the injustices that happen in the war and its aftereffects.
Unknown ha dicho que… I have choosen this article beacause I think it ir necessary for people to aware
Unknown ha dicho que…
I have chosen this article because I find so interesting the consecuences that this declarations can change the state of peace.
Alejandro González Marne ha dicho que…
I have chosen this news because I find it very interesting and peculiar, and also talks about a Spanish theme.
Unknown ha dicho que…
Ihave chosen this artice beacause I don`t think things should be fixed like this .
Unknown ha dicho que…
I have chosen this piece because it catched my eye that just the right to sell something could cost that much money.
Unknown ha dicho que…
I have chosen this article because I'm a fan of the simpsons and I think it's an interesting discussion between racism and humor. india-44027613
Unknown ha dicho que…
I have chosen this article because I find AI really interesting and Google Duplex really impressed me
Unknown ha dicho que…
I've chosen this article because I'm very interested in naval warfare and warships.

Unknown ha dicho que…
I have chosen this article because it's an important and actual new that is not very known, and also concerns to our country.
Unknown ha dicho que…
I have chosen this article because I found it interesting, simple
Alejandro González ha dicho que…
I have chosen this article because it is very interesting to me.
Unknown ha dicho que…
I have chosen this article because I think denuclearization is very important for the continuity of world peace.
Unknown ha dicho que…
I have chosen this article because I am very impressed by the fact that a robot imitates the human voice
I chose this news because I was impressed by the owner that a reservoir had exploded
I chose this news because I find it very entertaining everything that has to do with Donald trump
Unknown ha dicho que…
I have chosen this article because I found this topic interesting.
Unknown ha dicho que…
I have chose this article because I love talking about feminism.
I chosed this new because i think that is very interesting to see how the muslim people can combine sport with religion
Also, I have chosen this article because in my opinion, the problem between North Korea and United States is very relevant for the world

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