
English Vocabulary

Hello, people! I have been asked for a way to improve your vocabulary. Right, there are several ways to increase your lexicon. Anyway, have a look to the following link where you will find lists of nouns, verbs and adjectives, among others: https://www.aprendemasingles.com/pdfs/ . However, please, bare in mind that this is just a way to start with. To be honest, I am not very keen on learning lists of vocabulary by heart, so you can try some other ways such as reading news and interesting books, listening to the radio or even watching films, docummentaries or contests on TV. If you do so, you can even create your own lists of new words by yourself. Let me encourage you to work on it! It's amazing when you find the way to communicate each other because you know the appropriate words to express your feelings and thoughts. So, I hope it helps you. See you!

Different British accents

Hello everybody! When we work on our listening skills, we have to be very careful in order to choose the kind of practice we are able to face with. Sometimes you tell me that despite the attempt to watch some films in English, you are unable to undestand a word and everything you do is reading subtitles. Finally, you throw the towel because you become exhausted instead of amusing yourself. Firstly, you have to consider the kind of film you are picking because not every accent is so easy to understand. You have to take into account the level you've got, going further step by step. The following video will show you what I am talking about. 👇 https://youtu.be/ueBFJqwbT6k So, you have to learn feeling yourself comfortable enough to carry on with it, involving an effort but also the chance of getting some improvements. Keep on trying!

Testing your vocabulary

Hi again! I don't think learning vocabulary by heart is a good idea. Otherwise, playing with vocabulary and testing yourself is more entertaining and useful in order to memorise new words. I am going to give you two links hopefully helpful. Please, give me your feedback about them: www.languageguide.org www.agendaweb.org Cheers!

World radio stations

It's stunning! Please, click on the link and move around the world. http://radio.garden/live


Hello everyone! It's time for playing!!! Here is the link to play on line. I have created some games and quizzes for you. Now you can whether log on Kahoot and find some other games to your liking or enter my codes and start playing. 👇 https://kahoot.it/ Enjoy it!


And more radio and news ... http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio                      bbc radio http://www.bbc.com/news                        bbc news I hope it helps!

British Council

It is a classic example of a helpful site to practise all your skills. Enjoy it! http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/

Some talks

This entry is not easy to describe. I consider it very useful as a reading help, as a way to get new vocabulary and as a topic to discuss in order to practise your speaking skill. EBAU test also come to my mind whenever I check these articles. Does it ring a bell? You can leve me your point of view on the comments. https://www.ted.com/

British Newspapers

Let's go for a daily reading now. This is a must if you want to be on top of the British news: https://www.britishpapers.co.uk/category/quality/

Lirics Trainning

I am a super fan of this website. Here, you can sing your favourite songs while you are learning them because you are going to be challenged to remmember the missing words. https://es.lyricstraining.com/en

Children recipes

Do you like cooking? If cuisine is one of your hobbies, you are in luck! Check this link and enjoy it! https://www.bbc.co.uk/food/collections/healthy_recipes_for_kids ☝