English Vocabulary

Hello, people!
I have been asked for a way to improve your vocabulary.
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Right, there are several ways to increase your lexicon. Anyway, have a look to the following link where you will find lists of nouns, verbs and adjectives, among others: https://www.aprendemasingles.com/pdfs/.
However, please, bare in mind that this is just a way to start with. To be honest, I am not very keen on learning lists of vocabulary by heart, so you can try some other ways such as reading news and interesting books, listening to the radio or even watching films, docummentaries or contests on TV. If you do so, you can even create your own lists of new words by yourself.
Resultado de imagen de yes you can

Let me encourage you to work on it! It's amazing when you find the way to communicate each other because you know the appropriate words to express your feelings and thoughts. So, I hope it helps you.
See you!


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