Different British accents

Resultado de imagen de watching amazing films cartoon
Hello everybody!
When we work on our listening skills, we have to be very careful in order to choose the kind of practice we are able to face with.
Sometimes you tell me that despite the attempt to watch some films in English, you are unable to undestand a word and everything you do is reading subtitles. Finally, you throw the towel because you become exhausted instead of amusing yourself.
Firstly, you have to consider the kind of film you are picking because not every accent is so easy to understand. You have to take into account the level you've got, going further step by step.
The following video will show you what I am talking about. 👇
So, you have to learn feeling yourself comfortable enough to carry on with it, involving an effort but also the chance of getting some improvements.
Keep on trying!
Resultado de imagen de emoji ánimo


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